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Men's health

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 3:39 AM

Historical information

The puzzled question is conceived in many: why onanism can cause any consequences of unpleasant nature, once it in its process is so coalescent with sexual report, t. - e. with the copulation. This we will answer by reference to the conclusions of researchers Fyurbingera and Kurshmana as the outstanding neuropathologists. Both of them indicate that the onanism is harmful, in the first place, fact that it begins it too early and implicates into the prolonged protracted processes, in the second place, it is very accessible. While man must search for woman for the satisfaction of sexual needs, the defect of onanism is accessible to it into any minute, and it gives self up to it without the participation of opposite floor excessively.

The influence, which onanism manifests to the nervous system - extremely dangerous, since entire nervous system in man is constantly inflamed from the possibility of frequent manipulations.

This aggravates another concept fact that, which comes running to the onanism, survives moral drop, since he feels after satisfaction, that completed something the vicious. In the soul the fight between the debt, the moral state its and physical need appears, then that we calls „the pangs of conscience ", it affects nervous system and in the betrothal with the physical report is caused the extremely oppressed state of spirit, and it again draws this latter to excitations and repetitions of masturbation.

However, in majority the discomfort, which rapidly passes, the sensation, during which volitional instincts be inferior the place for the instincts of voluptuousness, appear, and man is brought down into the abyss. The naturalness of approach to the possibility to satisfy itself into any minute considerably, of course, is differed from the report of copulation, with which the temperature of bodies, which accompanies enjoyment, guarantees the specific physical enjoyment, that causes the highest stress up to the permission of report.

The contradictions, which arose in connection with a question about what ruinous consequences begin from the onanism, afterward state aboved, are completely obvious. Different doctors characterized the consequences of onanism, depending on its various results. The main thing to remember, to avoid health problems need time to see a doctor, who will pick up your good health drugs.
3:39 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Prostatitis and men's health

Now men's health is given no less attention than the female. After all, men also are subject to various diseases, such as the sexual, urological, dermatological, psychological, and proctologic and neurological fields. These and many other problems can be solved in a health clinic, which aims not only to improve men's health, but also provide a better understanding of sexual disorders, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, etc. In this connection, these diseases arise and how the tools they need to be treated. In the health clinic are also available psychoanalytic and psycho-reaction assistance.

Many men are wondering what is health and how to get it back, when there are bunch of diseases, which almost always occurs prostatitis. That's about it, we'll talk. Sedentary lifestyle, incomplete ejaculation, irregular sexual life - these are a few factors that lead to prostatitis. In prostatitis, there are two stages of flow. An infectious stage and the postinfectious stage, which arises in connection with anatomical irregularities in the prostate gland and autoimmune processes.

Usually, prostatitis should be treated on an individual scheme, as each patient moves prostatitis differently. At any age, men are experiencing much problems with sexual function, so although prostatitis is not a fatal disease, it should be treated in a timely manner, thereby restoring not only the physical health of men, but also mental. Of course, diagnosing and treating chronic prostatitis is not easy, but the experience of the doctor in the health clinic, as well as patience and faith can help patients achieve excellent results.

After overcoming doubts and fears that have been formed thanks to the light with respect to prostatitis and punching treatment, and having finally himself in skilled hands of doctors health clinic, one can clearly answer that chronic prostatitis can be cured, only need the knowledge and patience. In order that treatment is successful, and men's health was restored, for a start to spend a couple of simple clinical and laboratory tests that will help make the correct diagnosis. Because prostatitis has many classifications, which require a precise definition.
3:38 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Facts About Sex Men

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 11:47 PM

Most men are reluctant to discuss about sex, let alone about the "juniors". No wonder when they quickly turned the conversation that led to it. Let not curiosity, find out more about Mr.P in here:

1. A study conducted in England of 50,000 men and women claimed 55 percent of men were dissatisfied with their junior sizes. The good news, 85 percent of women say they are satisfied with their partner's penis size.

2. At bedtime, the average man has an erection for up to six times. Each time the time varied between 20 to 50 minutes.

3. Under the Sex Report 2008, a third man in Germany watching porn every day. Women were not much different, 8 percent said they needed something erotic every day.

4. Men who wanted to have children are advised to reduce consumption of products out, such as soy milk. Thus the conclusion of researchers from Harvard University, Boston, USA. According to them, know too much consumption can reduce sperm production.

5. As many as 42 percent of men reach orgasm while masturbating with the aid of pornographic materials, according to a study that removed the condom manufacturer, Durex.

6. 40 percent of men refuse to discuss the ex-girlfriend during a first date.

7. Every dream erotic, men were more often dreamed of another woman than his partner. According to a survey conducted Men's Health Germany.

8. Men start not faithful to their partner after their relationship into the third or sixth year, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Gottingen, Germany.

9. Based on research by U.S. origin marriage counselor, M. Gary Neuman, 92 percent of men cheat because they feel unloved, lack of recognition of the couple, and seek closeness.

10. Men who have sex regularly will avoid the problem of impotence in old age.

11. According to studies, men were more sensitive to smell the affair partner than women.

12. More than 60 percent of men want their partner more confident in bed, according to studies conducted by experts from Female Affairs.

13. Men think about sex once every 52 minutes.

14. According to a survey, men claimed to be the more dominant party in a relationship.

15. About 55 percent of men feel that they do have sex is still lacking.
11:47 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Between Penis and Race

Men of the Middle East certainly has a penile size jumbo. In contrast, Asians have small penis size-tiny. That's a myth that developed about penis size and ethnicity someone.

The majority, men and women surveyed in various countries agree with the statement that the penis size related to one's race or ethnicity. Although no one has ever slept with all men of all ethnic groups throughout the world, but the myths and beliefs about penis size has been widespread internationally.

In fact, no single study can provide satisfactory answers on the presumption that already developing. So why the myth of penis size and race exist? Is not no smoke when there is no fire? Charles Panati, the book Sexy Origins and Intimate Things, revealed the reason:

Asian men have small penis
Perhaps this is associated with body posture Asians shorter than the Europeans so that connoted that their penis was small.

Italian men love most candidate
This was allegedly because of the myth that says that the Italians are thicker penis that will give greater pleasure. The vagina is more easily stimulated by the penis of a diameter larger than the length of the penis, because it will give a more intense pressure on the nerves in her intimate area.

Middle Eastern Men "junior" his greatest
Again, this was also associated with body posture Middle Eastern man who was very tall and big.

Ancient Irish people ever photographed in lean but muscular body posture. This led to the suspect, the man from Ireland must also have a thin penis circumcised and all parts of her hood.

According Panati, we are accustomed to seeing someone on the basis of his posture and ethnic background of people so that we too conclude that they were a vital tool not much different.
Research conducted Kinsey report, the average penis size white men before the erection is four inches. On the black man to reach four and a half inches.
11:46 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Can Chocolate Cure Impotence

Chocolate is not only delicious and sweet on the tongue, apparently these delicious snacks also cure impotence. That is possible because the cocoa beans, cocoa raw materials, of substances called flavanols. There are a lot of flavanols, but the most potent are the flavanols epicatechin  type.

President Director of PT Mars Symbioscience Indonesia, a major exporter of cocoa in Indonesia, Noel Janetski in Palopo, South Sulawesi, said the main function of flavanols that is blood flow in the body. That is possible because the flavanols could sever the blood vessels that have been hardened and narrowed. In heavy smokers, their blood vessels are usually very hard and narrow, but with flavanols their blood vessels can stretch over an area of ​​about eight per cent.

"However, we have not been able to develop this product in bulk flavanols. We've tested it for a limited market in the United States via the Internet," said Janetski.

In addition to cure impotence, flavanols can also expedite the flow of blood to the brain. It's a big benefit for improving concentration and memory human brain. "Even in a study reported in April 2008, we found that flavanols can also make people with diabetes better," said Janetski.
11:45 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Impotence Medication Side Effects Alert!

Sex is not always blazing. There are times when the dim, even outages. One reason is that the penis can not erect and become tense. But, man impotence not need to be discouraged because the world has found the drug treatment of impotence.

One of the anti-impotence drug most widely used worldwide in the market is sildenafil which is often called the blue pill. The research has been done extensively in many countries indeed prove that this drug has a high success rate, up 89 percent to trigger an erection.

However, these drugs also have side effects. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of 49 clinical research, Dr. Alexander Tsertsvadze of the Ottawa Health Research Institute, Canada and his team reported that men who wear Sildenafasil citrate has a 1.5 times greater risk of experiencing side effects compared with those taking placebo.

The most common side effects of this impotence drug include headache, chest palpitations, shortness of breath, and blurred vision, flushing (hot flushes due to dilation of blood vessels in the face), and indigestion. The study also showed that the risk of side effects increases with dosage viagra ditambahnya a drink.

"Every drug has certain side effects - none of the free drug side effects, including sildenafil citrate," said dr. Budhi Damian Widjojo, Primary Care Medical Advisor of PT. Pfizer Indonesia.

Sildenafil citrate may only be used when the doctor said that a man indicated to suffer from erectile dysfunction. "Surely a man who may use this drug," he said.

In addition, to avoid unwanted side effects, Budhi explain sildenafil citrate are not allowed in patients who are taking heart medications nitrate groups. "The use of sildenafil citrate to patients suffering from heart disease should be careful because there is the possibility of their taking nitrate drugs or classes because her heart condition is not optimal for sexual intercourse," he explained.

In men, blood flow is an important part to generate good sex. Working Sildenafil relaxes smooth muscle, by inhibiting the enzyme fosfodiestrase. The smooth muscles that play a role in impotence is called the corpus cavernosa, a network that supports the erection of the penis. In the relaxation condition, the blood flow into the penis so that erection occurs
11:44 PM | 1 komentar | Read More

This is the eighth Statistics About Sex

Most have children
Sexual activity and reproduction can not be separated. But how much a person can produce offspring? A Russian woman of the 18th century holds the record for women with the highest number of children: 69. This woman was pregnant 27 times and gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, triplets and seven pairs of four pairs of quadruplets.

Still according to the Guinness Book of World Records record holder for most children is the king of Morocco who have biological children 342 girls and 525 boys. In 1721 he recorded 700 children already have children of men.

Important is size?
Relax, do not believe in the myth of masculinity and the movies that show the expression of wide-eyed woman see their partner's penis. The average size of a normal penis erection is 11-14 cm in diameter and 3.2 cm.

Many who need help
An estimated 5 percent of men aged 40's and 15-25 percent of men aged 56 years of experience erectile dysfunction. As a result, 57 percent of men and 64 percent of women were dissatisfied with their sex lives.

When was the first time?
The average man in the world lost his virginity at age 16.9 years, while women having sex at an average age of 17.4 years. Recent studies indicate genetic factors may influence a person when having sex the first time. People with an impulsive personality tends more quickly to have sex than his partner.

Sleeping alone
According to data from the National Sleep Foundation, one of 10 married couples, or about 12 percent, has a habit of sleeping in a room separate from their partner.

Always reaching orgasm?
When 75 percent of men always reach orgasm every time you make love, only 29 percent of women who feel the same experience. In addition, most women need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm.

Relationships without status
Having a clear commitment to a person apparently not so attractive anymore. At least it is proven through research Wayne State University and Michigan State University who says two thirds of the students prefer to have a relationship without status alias "but intimate friends" rather than establish a special commitment.

How many sex partners?
According to a survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics of adults aged 20-59 years, during the life of a woman on average had four sexual partners, while men had seven partners.
11:41 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Often Eat Meat, Not Growing Penis

If you often give children food that comes from animal products like meat, eggs or other types of preparations, should be more selective again. Rather than comply with nutritional adequacy, it is quite possible you'll get a child's pet problems mainly growth disorders of sexual organs.

Pointed out, no animal products consumed by people currently contains a hormone similar to estrogen that has the potential to disrupt the growth of sexual organs. The hormone can be mixed with animal feed or injected substance into the body of cattle.

"Fodder mixed with hormone-like substance similar to estrogen indeed will result in stunted growth of sexual organs. In young men, the penis is not growing, her body fat. While the girls will quickly get your period," says Prof. DR.Dr.Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FACCS, on the sidelines of the tabloid talk show that proposed a Healthy Lifestyle in Jakarta on Monday (1/2/2010).

Vice Chairman of the Anti-Aging Medicine bevy Indonesia (Perkapi) it states, cases of child sexual organ growth disorders are more frequently found. "In one month alone, at least I received five patients were boys who experienced penile growth problems. They average 6 to 10 years old," said Prof. Wimpie also known as an expert in sexology from the Udayana University in Bali this

According Wimpie, penis children who are not normal or called mikropenis is far from the size it should be. "Maximum one inch. Many are under an inch in size, it shows his penis did not grow, his testes were usually do not exist or has not gone down. Yet these testes should have dropped two of them after the age of one year," he added.

Consumption of the hormone estrogen, said Prof Wimpie, would obviously inhibit the growth of male sexual organs because this hormone is a female hormone. "Estrogen is roughly the opposite of testosterone or male hormones. Men need testosterone to grow a penis and testicles, if given estrogen certainly will not be developed. But when given to girls, he certainly will mature faster," he said.
11:40 PM | 1 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger